Book Royalties
Book Royalties Explained
In traditional publishing, authors may receive an advance, royalties or a combination of both. An advance is a flat fee that the author receives at the front of a contract and the author receives it regardless of a book's success. Book publishing royalties are paid after a book's release and are a percentage of each book sale that goes to the author. With royalties, the better the book sells, the more money an author earns as the number of book sales increases.

One of the benefits of self-publishing is that rather than a percentage of sales going to the author and the rest going to the publisher, the author keeps 100% of the profits. Or, at least, they should be able to keep 100% of the profits. When this isn't the case, there is an unfortunate abuse of the system taking place, most often by vanity presses. Many vanity presses or self-publishing companies take a percentage out of each book sale, calling it a book royalty or a commission fee.

This doesn't have to be the case and this is not the case with CafePrint. At CafePrint, the self-publishing author pays for the book printing and that's it — no surprise fees or percentages taken from your rightly earned profits. When choosing a self-publishing company, make sure you have a firm understanding of how they handle the profits and if they claim to pay out book royalties. You don't want to miss out on profits that should be going to you.

If you have any questions about book royalties or self-publishing in general, don't hesitate to call us at (714) 526 5555. We're always here to help you with anything you need when it comes to self-publishing.
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